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Small sample pedigree data set for testing purposes.




A data frame with 55 observations, one line per subject, on the following 7 variables.

  • famid : Family identifier

  • id : Subject identifier

  • dadid : Identifier of the father, if the father is part of the data set; zero otherwise

  • momid : Identifier of the mother, if the mother is part of the data set; zero otherwise

  • sex : 1 for male or 2 for female

  • affected : 1 or 0

  • avail : 1 or 0

  • num : Numerical test variable from 0 to 6 randomly distributed


This is a small fictive pedigree data set, with 55 individuals in 2 families. The aim was to create a data set with a variety of pedigree structures.


pedi <- Pedigree(sampleped)
#> Pedigree object with 
#> [1] "Ped object with 55 individuals and 13 metadata columns"
#> [1] "Rel object with 0 relationshipswith 0 MZ twin, 0 DZ twin, 0 UZ twin, 0 Spouse"
if (interactive()) { plot(pedi) }