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S4 class to represent the special relationships in a Pedigree.

Constructor :

You either need to provide a vector of the same size for each slot or a data.frame with the corresponding columns.


# S4 method for class 'data.frame'

# S4 method for class 'character_OR_integer'
Rel(obj, id2, code, famid = NA_character_)



A character vector with the id of the first individuals of each pairs or a data.frame with all the informations in corresponding columns.


A character vector with the id of the second individuals of each pairs


A character, factor or numeric vector corresponding to the relation code of the individuals:

  • MZ twin = Monozygotic twin

  • DZ twin = Dizygotic twin

  • UZ twin = twin of unknown zygosity

  • Spouse = Spouse The following values are recognized:

  • character() or factor() : "MZ twin", "DZ twin", "UZ twin", "Spouse" with of without space between the words. The case is not important.

  • numeric() : 1 = "MZ twin", 2 = "DZ twin", 3 = "UZ twin", 4 = "Spouse"


A character vector with the family identifiers of the individuals. If provide, will be aggregated to the individuals identifiers separated by an underscore.


A Rel object.


A Rel object is a list of special relationships between individuals in the pedigree. It is used to create a Pedigree object. The minimal needed informations are id1, id2 and code.

If a famid is provided, the individuals id will be aggregated to the famid character to ensure the uniqueness of the id.



A character vector with the id of the first individual.


A character vector with the id of the second individual.


An ordered factor vector with the code of the special relationship.

(i.e. MZ twin < DZ twin < UZ twin < Spouse).


A character vector with the famid of the individuals.


For all the following accessors, the x parameters is a Rel object. Each getters return a vector of the same length as x with the values of the corresponding slot.

  • code(x) : Relationships' code

  • id1(x) : Relationships' first individuals' identifier

  • id2(x) : Relationships' second individuals' identifier

  • famid(x) : Relationships' individuals' family identifier

  • famid(x) <- value : Set the relationships' individuals' family identifier

    • value : A character or integer vector of the same length as x with the family identifiers


  • summary(x): Compute the summary of a Rel object

  • show(x): Convert the Rel object to a data.frame and print it with its summary.

  • as.list(x): Convert a Rel object to a list

  • Convert a Rel object to a data.frame

  • subset(x, i, keep = TRUE): Subset a Rel object based on the individuals identifiers given.

    • i : A vector of individuals identifiers to keep.

    • keep : A logical value indicating if the individuals should be kept or deleted.

See also


rel_df <- data.frame(
    id1 = c("1", "2", "3"),
    id2 = c("2", "3", "4"),
    code = c(1, 2, 3)
#> Rel object with 3 relationshipswith 1 MZ twin, 1 DZ twin, 1 UZ twin, 0 Spouse:
#>           id1         id2                     code       famid
#>   <character> <character> <c("ordered", "factor")> <character>
#> 1           1           2                  MZ twin        <NA>
#> 2           2           3                  DZ twin        <NA>
#> 3           3           4                  UZ twin        <NA>

    obj = c("1", "2", "3"),
    id2 = c("2", "3", "4"),
    code = c(1, 2, 3)
#> Rel object with 3 relationshipswith 1 MZ twin, 1 DZ twin, 1 UZ twin, 0 Spouse:
#>           id1         id2                     code       famid
#>   <character> <character> <c("ordered", "factor")> <character>
#> 1           1           2                  MZ twin        <NA>
#> 2           2           3                  DZ twin        <NA>
#> 3           3           4                  UZ twin        <NA>